Our collection is always open for new contributions.
Your publication is self-published / DIY / or published by an independent publishing house. We do not accept publications containing advertisement, or published by a traditional publishing house.
Your publication contains photographic pictures. Examples : Self-published photobooks, fanzines using photography as a document or combined to a text, publications mixing drawings to photography, graffiti zines, poetry with photography, political zines with photography, artist books using photography, independent exhibition catalogues, skate zines, self-published books of performing arts, sculpture, etc. Basically, we accept any kind of fanzines and self-publications as long as they contain photography.
We do not accept dummies. The publication has to be produced and published in a minimum of 4 copies.
- We only need one copy of your book, for our collection. It will be on display during our exhibitions. We do not sell books, we show them during our tours. Our aim to give visibility to these productions.
Please, print and fill our submission form
And then send your publication + the submission form, to :ZINES OF THE ZONE
C/O Julie Hascoët
148 rue Jean Jaurès
29200 BREST France- For any inquiry :
Thank you !